Monday, November 16, 2009

Staples are Out!

I went to see the surgeon today and it went well. The most excitement was when he took out the staples; there was some minor bleeding and I nearly passed out. After resting for about 10 minutes and some water I was refreshed and he let me go. He wasn't concerned and said this was not too uncommon, and that I may have been a little dehydrated. I need to make sure that I'm drinking more. Everything else looks good, the swelling may take a few more weeks to go down, which is normal considering this is a second time around.

The biopsy concluded that it was a Craniopharyngioma, possibly residue from the first tumor. It's very slow growing, so we just don't know for sure. This is excellent news since it is not cancerous. We just have to continue to keep an eye on it with follow up MRIs down the road.

Now my biggest challenge is getting enough rest and managing the pain. The doctor did note that the pain was normal as well, especially since he's decreasing the dose of steroids gradually. The pain medicine helps as long as I take it soon enough.

Thanks again for all of the love and prayers. Now it's all recovery, which in some ways is more difficult than the surgery itself. This is truly a test of my patience and faith as I must accept that I'm not as strong as I used to be and may not be for awhile. However, with my Savior by my side I know I can accomplish anything I'm asked to bare.


  1. You have a very strong and positive attitude ~ that's great. I'm sure it is going to be hard to just "sit" around and rest, but do it. And drink that water!!

  2. You have such a great attitude, as always! Thanks for being such a great friend to me. I love you so much! Get your rest my dear!
